Why Clean Your Ducts:See why it is so important that you clean your ducts regularly.
The Productive Difference:Read why you should trust our experience and capabilities.
Our Process and Equipment:Ensuring your air system is clean and free of debris.
Our Team and Family:Learn about us and our dedicated team and family.
Our Customers:Let our customers tell you why you should trust Productive.
The furnace and air ducts act as your home's "respiratory system". This system can become "congested" when filled with contaminants
and debris. Allergy sufferers can benefit
greatly by reducing the amount of "triggers" that are present in ductwork. The proper cleaning of the air
duct system is a necessity. Additionally,sanitizing and deodorizing, in certain circumstances, is key.
There is no comparison to Productive's service and integrity. We are working hard to be Ohio's premier air duct cleaning company.
More about duct cleaning.
Click Here for a video on what you shoud know before having your ducts cleaned.
Air Duct Cleaning Process & Equipment
At Productive Professional Air Duct Cleaning, we are dedicated to cleaning your entire heating and cooling system. From the registers and returns to the trunk line and furnace, we will ensure that the air system is completely clean and free of debris.
According to the EPA: "If you decide to have your heating and cooling system cleaned, it is important to make sure the service provider agrees to clean all components of the system and is qualified to do so. Failure to clean a component of a contaminated system can result in re-contamination of the system, thus negating any benefits." - EPA "Should I Have the Air Ducts in My Home Cleaned" Download the entire document here.
If you see an Air Duct Cleaning offer for “up to 10” registers, understand that this approach does not address the entire heating and cooling system. And is probably a waste of your time and money.
At Productive Professional Air Duct Cleaning every job is a complete cleaning of the heating and cooling system for one low price.
What to expect

Our technicians will first inspect your heating and cooling system to check for any hazardous materials, locate important system components, and select appropriate access points to best clean the system.
If your house is central-cooled, our technicians will access the cooling system evaporator coil. This is the distribution mechanism of your air conditioning system, and it must be protected if the system is to be cleaned completely and run efficiently. Just one millimeter of dust on the surface of your evaporator coil can render it just 40% efficient.

Once the evaporator coil is covered and protected, our technicians will put to use a variety of pneumatic tools Driven by a 160 psi gasoline-powered compressor to push and pull all of the dust and debris in the system toward our state-of-the-art vacuums. These tools allow us to navigate the length of the system, reaching into corners and around obstacles that no vacuum hose ever could. This allows us to loosen and lift debris moving it from the furthest corner of the duct work into the main trunk line and out of your home. And we’re not leaving until 100% of your home's heating and cooling system is clean.
Where does it all go? We'll attach 5250 cubic feet per minute suction power to the air system, cleaning from each register through the main trunk line, the furnace components, and every inch of your home’s air return system. This will pull the debris out of the house through an 8 inch diameter vacuum hose without re-contaminating your home's interior with loose debris or vacuum exhaust.
Download the NADCA Residential Evaluation Checklist in PDF Format.
Visit NADCA for tips on how to select a residential contractor.
The Process of cleaning your air duct system
Productive is committed to doing a thorough cleaning of each heating and cooling system.
This detailed list of the cleaning process is provided for our customers to better understand how we do our job.
- Your heating and cooling system is surveyed.
- The most efficient route for the vacuum and air lines is determined.
- Coverings are laid on your carpet and flooring when necessary.
- Access openings are created for the vacuum line in both the return and supply ducts.
- Furnace coils are covered with metal plates to protect them from debris.
- With the use of our commercial vacuum, we place the system under a continuous negative air pressure environment.
- One inch holes are drilled in the trunk line to access branch ducts.
- With the use of various high-pressure pneumatic air tools, we clean every square inch of each individual duct from the inside. We draw the debris from each branch duct into the main trunk line and finally into our vacuum hose. We utilize the proper tools to clean all shapes and sizes of ductwork, including flexible ducting.
- The system is then sanitized and deodorized.
- All registers and grills are hand cleaned.
- The furnace blower compartment is thoroughly cleaned.
- Electronic air cleaners and washable air filters are thoroughly cleaned.
- Furnace doors are hand washed.
- All access openings are sealed so that they are airtight.
- The system is cycled and purged.
- All work areas are cleaned.